Our clients love that we provide a customized interview guide for every role we recruit for them. Since we started using it, retention of our placements has increased by more than double!
See real-life examples.
How Our Customers Supercharged Their People Operations
See real-life examples.
RX Benefits
Customer service is core to Rx Benefits’ Culture DNA. To ensure candidates fit the company’s high customer service expectations, StaffGeek helped Rx Benefits identify its DNA. Using those results, the Culture DNA informed a customized FitTech assessment, which candidates take to determine how well they would fit in at the organization. Since utilizing StaffGeek products, Rx Benefits has cut down its rigorous training process because the right people are going through training.
OPS Security
OPS Security has been a trusted source in law enforcement and private security for more than 80 years. To ensure a safe and secure environment for its clients, OPS Security needs a strong team that communicates and understands its core Culture DNA. In order to make smart hiring decisions, OPS Security turned to StaffGeek to identify its Culture DNA and create FitTech assessments for each potential candidate. By implementing StaffGeek’s products and processes, OPS Security is now connected with high-quality talent that keep its clientele secure.
FitTech from StaffGeek is accurate, fast and easy to use. My team and I love the StaffGeek product. We use it all the time.
StaffGeek has enabled our security firm to make smarter hiring decisions which has saved us thousands of dollars each month in bad hires and helped accelerate our growth.
Professional Services
BBD approached StaffGeek for assistance with performance management. The company had its own system, but employees could not get above a 3 score on the 1-5 rated scale. What StaffGeek found was there was no reliability in the scale- initiatives like billable hours and performance management were not sticking with staff. BBD saw promise in StaffGeek’s software and used Perform to increase role clarity, goal attainment and employee engagement. By applying its Culture DNA to new performance initiatives, BBD increased employee reliability, daily efficiency and more transparent feedback to help all employees grow in their roles.
RX Benefits
Customer service is core to Rx Benefits’ Culture DNA. To ensure candidates fit the company’s high customer service expectations, StaffGeek helped Rx Benefits identify its DNA. Using those results, the Culture DNA informed a customized FitTech assessment, which candidates take to determine how well they would fit in at the organization. Since utilizing StaffGeek products, Rx Benefits has cut down its rigorous training process because the right people are going through training.
Our clients love that we provide a customized interview guide for every role we recruit for them. Since we started using it, retention of our placements has increased by more than double!
OPS Security
OPS Security has been a trusted source in law enforcement and private security for more than 80 years. To ensure a safe and secure environment for its clients, OPS Security needs a strong team that communicates and understands its core Culture DNA. In order to make smart hiring decisions, OPS Security turned to StaffGeek to identify its Culture DNA and create FitTech assessments for each potential candidate. By implementing StaffGeek’s products and processes, OPS Security is now connected with high-quality talent that keep its clientele secure.
FitTech from StaffGeek is accurate, fast and easy to use. My team and I love the StaffGeek product. We use it all the time.
Professional Services
BBD approached StaffGeek for assistance with performance management. The company had its own system, but employees could not get above a 3 score on the 1-5 rated scale. What StaffGeek found was there was no reliability in the scale- initiatives like billable hours and performance management were not sticking with staff. BBD saw promise in StaffGeek’s software and used Perform to increase role clarity, goal attainment and employee engagement. By applying its Culture DNA to new performance initiatives, BBD increased employee reliability, daily efficiency and more transparent feedback to help all employees grow in their roles.
StaffGeek has enabled our security firm to make smarter hiring decisions which has saved us thousands of dollars each month in bad hires and helped accelerate our growth.