
Your company is awesome. Let’s find out why.

Get started by unlocking your Culture’s DNA

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How Select Works

StaffGeek’s technology unlocks your Culture DNA, which informs your customized FitTech Survey to identify the best candidates.


Step 1

We build your customized FitTech Survey

Step 2

Candidates fill out your FitTech Survey

Step 3

Use FitTech to make better hiring decisions

How Select Works

StaffGeek’s technology unlocks your Culture DNA, which informs your customized FitTech Survey to identify the best candidates.


Step 1

We build your customized FitTech Survey

Step 2

Candidates fill out your FitTech Survey

Step 3

Use FitTech to make better hiring decisions
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Reduce Time To Hire

Select from StaffGeek streamlines the hiring process by identifying the candidates that match your values before you interview them.


Increase Retention

By identifying how well a respective candidate matches your Culture’s values (DNA), you’ll know that their mission will align better with yours making for a better match.

FitTech Assessment

FitTech is where the data does its work. Based on an organization’s Culture DNA, StaffGeek creates a personalized cultural assessment – FitTech – for candidates to fill out. The candidates’ responses are measured, helping HR leaders efficiently identify candidates with best hiring potential.

Reduce Time To Hire

Select from StaffGeek streamlines the hiring process by identifying the candidates that match your values before you interview them.


Increase Retention

By identifying how well a respective candidate matches your Culture’s values (DNA), you’ll know that their mission will align better with yours making for a better match.


FitTech Assessment

FitTech is where the data does its work. Based on an organization’s Culture DNA, StaffGeek creates a personalized cultural assessment – FitTech – for candidates to fill out. The candidates’ responses are measured, helping HR leaders efficiently identify candidates with best hiring potential.


The Science behind StaffGeek

Your Culture’s DNA

DNA stands for Distinct Native Attributes. These are your company’s top values and are the greatest predictor of your team’s future success.

StaffGeek uncovers your organization’s core Culture DNA so you can hire, manage and perform better.


The Science behind StaffGeek

Your Culture’s DNA

DNA stands for Distinct Native Attributes. These are your company’s top values and are the greatest predictor of your team’s future success.

StaffGeek uncovers your organization’s core Culture DNA so you can hire, manage and perform better.

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How we calculate your Distinct Native Attributes (DNA)

Step 1

Culture Assessment

Your team is your biggest investment. When they take our Culture Assessment, data determines their strongest attributes.


Step 2

Identify Your Top Attributes

Our team of science geeks evaluates the data to identify your company’s top 6 attributes. This will be your Culture’s DNA.

Step 3

Make People Operations More Personal with Culture DNA

Each of our products are customized around your needs based on your Culture’s DNA.

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How we calculate your Distinct Native Attributes (DNA)


Step 1

Culture Assessment

Your team is your biggest investment. When they take our Culture Assessment, data determines their strongest attributes.


Step 2

Identify Your Top Attributes

Our team of science geeks evaluates the data to identify your company’s top 6 attributes. This will be your Culture’s DNA.


Step 3

Make People Operations More Personal with Culture DNA

Each of our products are customized around your needs based on your Culture’s DNA.

Case Study Quotes

Find Your Perfect Fit

Your biggest investment is your team. StaffGeek uncovers your organization’s core Culture DNA so you can hire, manage and perform better.

No credit card required