Reading Time: 3 minutes


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E76: The Power of Community in HR with Kimberly Marolda

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this episode, Kimberly Marolda, Director of HR at Hamilton Thorne Inc., stresses the need for community building in the workplace to ensure a safe and reliable work environment. She speaks on the importance of face-to-face interactions, creating a welcoming space, and knowing colleagues’ personalities. By fostering connections with team members, managers can support personal and professional growth

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E74: Building an HR Department from Scratch: Strategies and Challenges with Vytelle’s Lynn Lobe

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this episode, Vytelle’s Director of Human Resources, Lynn Lobe, discusses her unique journey to HR leadership and the significance of empathy and opportunity in the workplace, the strategies and challenges involved in building an HR department from scratch, and managing global mobility, and the opportunities that combining her passion for animal science and HR provides beyond traditional roles.

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